
Showing posts from October, 2023

Solar energy to electricity conversion process

  Solar energy to electricity conversion involves multiple steps and technologies, but one of the most popular is photovoltaic (PV) cells - commonly referred to as solar cells - is one such solution. Here is an overview of this process: Solar Radiation:  Solar energy comes from solar radiation from the Sun's rays striking the Earth with photons (small packets of energy from the Sun). These photons then strike its surface. Absorption:  Solar panels made with silicon-based solar cells are designed to absorb photons. Each photon carries energy, which, when hitting the PV cell, can dislodge an electron from an atom within its semiconductor material and displace it outward. Generation of Electron-Hole Pairs: When an energy-rich photon strikes the semiconductor material used in PV cells, it excites an electron enough for it to leave its normal location within an atom and move out, leaving behind a positive charge in its place - this process creates electron-hole pairs. Electrical Field:

Solar Energy Over conventional energy in Western Australia

Solar energy has many advantages over traditional sources in Western Australia, just as it does elsewhere. Due to the abundant sunshine found here, Western Australia makes solar power an attractive option compared to conventional sources; here are a few reasons why it stands out: Western Australia benefits from abundant sunlight, with many regions enjoying sunny weather all year round. It makes solar energy generation highly cost-efficient. Renewable and Sustainable: Solar energy is an eco-friendly source of power that doesn't deplete natural resources or have as large an environmental footprint compared to fossil fuels, contributing to cleaner environments while mitigating climate change. Furthermore, its reduced greenhouse gas emissions help create a cleaner environment and combat climate change. Reduced Energy Costs: By installing solar panels on their homes and businesses, residents can generate their electricity instead of depending on the grid for power - leading to signifi